Call our “Tip Line”


The Guilford Police Department has established a “Tip Line” to allow you to call in and leave a message with information on suspected criminal activity, crimes that have ocurred, or other information that you feel we need to know about.

You may call in on a direct line to leave a “voice mail” message. These “TIPS” may be left anonymously!

We appreciate any help that you may be able to give us regarding suspected criminal activity but we do need to have some specifics to get an investigation started.

If you feel strongly enough please leave us some contact information so that we can follow up adaquately on your “tip”. If you wish to remain anonymous, please give us specifics on your information. Your “tip” should include your suspicions, what you believe is taking place and where and when the activity took place or is taking place. Dates and times are very helpful. If persons(s) and / or vehicles are involved, please include; names if you have any, physical descriptions of persons or vehicles, license plate numbers including the state.

Of course you may leave a contact number where you may be reached for us to follow up with you directly.

This number should not be used for emergency calls, crimes in progress, or other incidents that would require immediate attention by an officer.

If you have any information please call:

The TIP LINE at (203) 453-8240

and leave us your “TIP”.

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