Lost and Found


By State Statute, Found Property is held for six months. At that time, if the property is not claimed, it becomes the property of the person turning said property in.

If you think any lost items may have been turned into, or located by the Police Department, Please Email or call Support Services at 203-453-8059.

If you do Email your inquiry on lost and found items please include as detailed a description of the item(s) along with a possible date or date range when the items were lost and any other information that would be helpful in assisting us in locating your property.

Because we do get unsolicited emails, that may be mistaken for SPAM, please make sure to include in the Subject line of your inquiry “Lost & Found inquiry” Thank you

You may follow up an E-mailed inquiry by calling the main dispatch (203)453-8061 or Support Services at (203) 453-8059.

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