Our Mission


“We, the members of the Guilford Police Department
are committed to
upholding the law,
preserving the peace,
and protecting the rights of all,
with compassion,
dignity and respect.”


We believe in,

  •  COOPERATION We recognized that we must join together within the Department and the Community for the common benefit.
  • PROFESSIONALISM We strive for excellence by providing quality of service through effective training and progressive leadership
  • TEAMWORK We encourage independent action and initiative, while realizing that our success depends on a cooperative effort within the Department and throughout the Community.
  • IMPARTIALITY We will treat people as we would like to be treated, viewing each incident fairly and without bias.
  • TRUST The Community depends on us and we appreciate their confidence in our abilities to care for them and their property.
  • ENHANCING QUALITY OF LIFE We strive to ensure that all incidents no matter how insignificant, will be resolved for the betterment of all.
  • ETHICS We recognized that a strong personal and organizational code of ethics are essential to the accomplishment of our mission.
  • PARTNERSHIP Our success depends on a cooperative effort within the Department and throughout the Community.
  • FAMILY As a family, we share the same goals and values. We have a commitment to each other and the Community.

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